Norwich City Council

Norwich City Council provides a range of different services for residents and visitors including local services such as housing, planning, economic development, leisure and tourism.

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About Norwich City Council

Norwich is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK, performing strongly in a range of economic indicators including productivity and jobs growth. The city’s economy is diverse and resilient with a number of key strengths and significant potential to make an increasingly important contribution to the regional and national economy.

The city is identified as being part of the Fast Growth Cities network, ranked 20/379 for overall competitiveness on the PWC Index 2016. The economic dynamism of the city underpins the regional economy and as such its significance as an economic driver, attractor of investment and of skilled labour must not be underestimated.

Norwich City Council

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Why Norwich?

Norwich is a £10 billion economy with 24,000 businesses and nearly 160,000 jobs of which 11,610 are in financial and related professional services. It benefits from proximity to hubs of financial and business activity in London, Cambridge and Ipswich.

Over 200 years in the making, Norwich is recognised as a centre of excellence in insurance, financial and professional services. Norwich is one of the largest general insurance markets in Europe with the 2nd highest concentration of insurance jobs in the UK (ONS, 2016). In addition to attractive career opportunities, it offers outstanding quality of life, and the benefits of living in a vibrant, affordable, culturally advanced and accessible city.

Norwich is the home of important businesses and brands in financial services and insurance that are taking advantage of the unique ‘value’ on offer.

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jobs in Norwich


businesses in Norwich


jobs in financial and related services